Do Not Forget to Show Hospitality to Strangers – A Reflection on Hebrews 13:2
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it." – Hebrews 13:2
The words of Hebrews 13:2 have always held a profound significance for me. Growing up, I was taught the importance of kindness, but this verse elevated that teaching to a divine level. It reminds us that when we extend a hand to others, we might be unknowingly entertaining angels, divine beings sent by God to test our hearts or deliver blessings.
A Real-Life Encounter
I read a story that forever shaped my perspective on this verse. The story goes there was a man named Andrew, and he lives in a small town in the UK. One rainy evening, Andrew was rushing home after a long day at work. As he passed through the town square, he noticed an older man sitting on a bench, drenched from the relentless downpour.
Andrew hesitated. He was exhausted, and his first instinct was to keep walking. But something stirred within him—a small, persistent nudge. He couldn’t ignore the voice whispering, "Help him."
Reluctantly, Andrew turned back. He offered the man his umbrella and struck up a conversation. The man introduced himself as Henry, a retired schoolteacher who had fallen on hard times. He had no family nearby and was stranded after missing the last bus to his shelter.
Andrew decided to help. He called a taxi, paid for it, and ensured Henry got safely to his destination. Before parting ways, Henry looked at Andrew with a smile that seemed to radiate something otherworldly. He said, "You’ve done more for me than you realize. God bless you."
The Wow Moment
The next day, Andrew was passing the shelter and decided to stop and check on Henry the man he previously met, but no one there had heard of him. Confused Andrew left and later that evening Andrew was passing by the bench where he’d met Henry. On the ground, he seen a small cross pendant that seemed to glow faintly in the sunlight. Feeling an inexplicable pull, Andrew picked it up and instantly felt a wave of warmth and peace wash over him.
That evening while Andrew slept, Andrew had a vivid dream. In it, Henry appeared, dressed in radiant white, and said, "You passed the test. Your kindness did not go unnoticed. Keep your faith strong." When Andrew woke up, the cross pendant was lying on his bedside table, even though he was sure he left it in his jacket pocket downstairs.
Whether Henry was an angel, a divine test, or simply a man in need, Andrew’s act of kindness left an indelible mark on his soul. The experience reaffirmed his faith and deepened his commitment to living out God’s word.
Lessons from Hebrews 13:2
This story reminds us of the power and importance of hospitality. In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook strangers, especially when we’re tired or preoccupied. But Hebrews 13:2 urges us to pause, open our hearts, and extend grace to those we encounter.
Here are some practical ways to live out this verse:
Be Aware: Look for opportunities to help, even in small ways, like offering a smile, a meal, or a helping hand.
Act Without Expectation: True hospitality expects nothing in return.
Trust God’s Plan: Sometimes, we may not understand the significance of our actions, but God does.
A Personal Challenge
This week, I challenge you to embrace the spirit of Hebrews 13:2. Show hospitality to someone unexpected—a stranger, a colleague, or even a family member you’ve been distant from. You never know whose life you might touch or how God might be working through you.
Let’s remember that every act of kindness echoes in eternity. When we show love and hospitality, we reflect God’s grace and open the door to divine encounters, seen or unseen.
Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt you entertained an angel unaware? Share your story in the comments below and inspire others to live out the teachings of Hebrews 13:2.